
The Book Equipping 101 By John C. Maxwell

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I, James A. Pettigrew III read the entire book.
The book Equipping 101 by John C. Maxwell is a book about equipping people to become leaders. Not only does it state numerous ways in which to equip people, but it also teaches how to recognize potential leaders. The goal of the book is to equip people to become leaders that will also equip other people to become leaders, a passing on of the torch type of scenario, so to speak.
Maxwell states that true leaders are not solo act leaders but team leaders, as he gets his point across with quotes from different people. He also gives plenty of examples of great leaders form past to present in all various types of fields, from coaches to corporation leaders. As Maxwell puts it, a good leader seeks to accomplish goals as a team, while equipping team members for leadership.
A leader should not hold all the power of leadership to themselves, but give it away to the team, because that is the only way to empower them. A good leader always take the blame, but never takes the credit, he gives that to the team. A team should be working together to achieve the goal while being united, like a family.
Leaders are attracted to leaders, and so great leaders produce great leaders by finding the potential leaders around them. Great leaders have the correct training and attitude that allow them to encourage others to become leaders. Leaders are needed to help carry the load of leadership so that one does not burn out. Maxwell lists

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