
The Book, Hidden America By Jeanne Marie Laskas

Decent Essays

Right Under My Nose In the book, Hidden America by Jeanne Marie Laskas, I noticed many themes throughout. Perhaps the most important theme that occurred to me was the fact that many of these stories were happening right here in my home state. Throughout three different chapters I truly came to the realization that many situations to do with my life, are possible purely because of the workers in the stories; not only around the world but in places I frequent. The three chapters I chose were: “Underworld”, “G-L-O-R-Y”, and “Sputter”. All of these stories were based in Ohio and I think that has a lot to say about how oblivious we are as a community to the people that work to make our lives how they are today. My grandparents have owned a lake cottage in Piedmont, Ohio since before I was born. Ever since I was baby I have traveled the one and a half hour drive to our cottage. As I grew older, I took in the scenery and the little towns along the way. One sleepy little farm town in particular we drive through, seventeen minutes away from the lake, is called Cadiz; also known as the town that hosts the Hopedale Mining Coal Company. Yet, I never even knew until eighteen years later that a coal mining operation is stationed there.
In the chapter, “Underworld”, the author asks the true purpose of coal mines. After getting a sarcastic joke from a worker, she writes, “Every time we flip on a switch, we burn a lump of coal, each of us consuming about twenty pounds of those lumps a

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