
The Boys In The Boat 1936 Olympics

Decent Essays

Olympics vs. Warfare During the 1936 Berlin Olympics, nation’s most athletic players from all over the world came to Germany to compete to see who is best at sports. Stated by George Orwell, “I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield […] at the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare.” This quote talks about how sports are another way of warfare, and relating Orwell’s quote to The Boys in the Boat 1936 Olympics were another form of warfare. I agree with Orwell’s quote because the Olympics is a peaceful competition, however, other …show more content…

In The Boys in the Boat the crew coxswain helps motivate Joe Rantz and his crew during their races. During their races the coxswain will shoat and tell the crew to move faster or tell one of the people to fix their form or how they row. Therefore, during the races the coxswain yells and screams at the crew like wearing headphones on full blast, telling them to “move faster”! or “ten for Pocock”. This language is used to pump adrenaline or have a sense of pride to do excellent for your coach. In warfare, the overall language is similar to sports; in warfare, they say “nice shot” or “Keep moving”! The language used in warfare and in sports is the same. Terminology and motivation are what pushes soldiers and rowers to keep moving forward. Also, I had a past personal experience of how sports (football) and warfare are …show more content…

After awhile in 8th grade I finally started to think if sports were superior to pursue in the future. I felt like I was in the army, because of how my coach yelled at my team and cussed at us. I didn’t enjoy him making fun of us and calling us hateful names. I felt like I was being bossed around, or bullied, I soon quit in 8th grade during the middle of a season. I talked to my parents and they told me that “football is a tough game.” They didn’t care that I quit, they told me to focus on my academics before sports. After a couple of mouths, I asked my sister’s boyfriend who was a former marine of how it felt to be training for weeks. He told me he hated it; his instructor will cuss at them and dehumanize them. We talked for about an hour, of how the military and football are similar in many ways. I related his answer to my situation in football and thought about how sports and the service are quite similar. To conclude, George Orwell’s quote about the Olympics or sports being another form of warfare is true. The feelings of anger, pride, and aggression are what is felt during the Olympics and how many soldiers felt in combating. Also, the language used in sports is related to warfare because both use the same terminology motivation to encourage confidence and moral. Lastly, a former marine even

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