
The Cambodian Genocide And The Khmer Rouge

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The Cambodian genocide happened between 1975 and 1979 in the country of Cambodia. Almost 2 million Cambodians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Buddhist, Cham, intellectuals, anyone with above a 7th grade education, and western influenced-people were systematically killed during the genocide. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge started the genocide on April 17th, 1975 when they evacuated the city of Phnom Penh along with other major cities and forced people into the countryside where their work camps were. Even though Pol Pot and the Khmer rouge failed to create a “Pure Kampuchean Society”, their actions devastated all of Cambodia. Millions of Cambodians were displaced from their homes and lost their belongings. The trauma of the work camps caused PTSD in millions of people, which have been passed down to generations who did not experience the genocide. Various diseases and famine have also affected many Cambodians after the genocide. Despite this, many Cambodians were willing to share their gruesome past. For example, Loung Ung, Cambodian genocide survivor, wrote the memoir First They Killed My Father. Her memoir describes her struggles as a five year old girl leaving behind everything she considered as home. Through her experiences, she communicates to her audience an important theme: that people are willing to do anything for family.

One way that the author expresses the theme is through imagery.
The use of imagery explains in detail how people are willing to do anything in their power to

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