
The Case Of Phineas Gage Discussed By Cacioppo & Fregberg

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The case of Phineas Gage discussed by Cacioppo & Fregberg (2013, pgs. 158-159) attempt to establish a link between the condition of the prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex and an individual’s tendency for displaying certain dispositions. The accounts of Gage before the injury to those post injury seem to support a strong correlation between the state of the brain and personality traits. Behavioral changes and analysis of the entry and exit wounds described in this case suggest Gage suffered significant damage to his frontal lobes, including the orbitofrontal cortex. Although many of Gage’s higher functions such as speech and the ability to perform complex tasks were retained, the damage caused acute changes in Gage’s demeanor and personality.
The case of Phineas Gage provides insight on how trauma or malformations to specific areas of the brain may produce changes in mannerisms in the areas of emotion, behavior, attention span, and could be the source of many other psychological disorders. Studies on the prefrontal cortex are not all in agreement on the extent that damage to the orbitofrontal cortex produces reduced inhibitions and emotional changes, or if these changes are symptomatic of damage producing impeded judgment based on future consequences (Stalnaker, Cooch &Freberg, 2013). Although, the specifics of what the orbitofrontal cortex does or does not do, the link between behavior and brain trauma is clear. In my view, neuroscience must play a

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