
The Case Of Young Sandy

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In the case of young Sandy there are many things that need to be taken into consideration when planning on how to deal with his case. There are many factors that need to be understood about his case and these factors need to be dealt with on in-depth level to truly understand what will be the best course of action for his future treatment, whether that will be going to a young offenders institution or other forms of rehabilitation.
From a young age Sandy never had a stable childhood, coming from a deprived area of the city, which had high levels of crime and low levels of employed citizens in the area. As expected in such areas of a city, living there can cause a negative up bringing for any child that lives there and Sandy is no exception to this. To start off with Sandy’s Father was never around when he was younger, as he was constantly in and out of prison as his son was growing up. This meant that Sandy never had a positive male role model growing up as he lived with his grandmother. Looking into Sutherland, Parson and Cohen’s sex role theory (Sutherland (1947), Parson (1937) and Cohen (1955, cited in Walklate, 2007, pg 91-93)) you could explain that as a result of Sandy having no masculine role model in his life and only have a female role model. Which would only give him a tender and gentle influence in his life and he would’ve felt conflicted in his upbringing and would assume an attitude opposite to that of his female role model and would become ‘masculine’ by

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