
The Causes And Cons Of The United States Congress?

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The United States Congress has been on a downward spiral in the past decade, in 2009 their approval rating was at 37% compared to a mere 13% as of this week. This begs the question of whether our electoral laws for Congress are truly working in our current political climate. The house of representatives currently divided at 240 Republicans to 194 Democrats and 1 independent. This clear divide has been seen in the inability to pass legislation and the clear lack of partisanship within the house.
The winner takes all system or “Single-member plurality” in which the individual with the most votes wins that positions, is the current system in place and it is clearly having issues when it comes to finding the right balance in our politicians. …show more content…

In the United States, it can seem like a pipe dream to have your voice heard in this hyper-partisan climate, that’s why I believe that the PR system will allow for a larger diversity of political ideologies. Of course, with any electoral system there are downsides; while political diversity is fruitful for a more bipartisan Congress it also allows for more fringe and extremist parties to have a larger voice in politics. For example, if a hate group ran and gained a percentage that would allow them to gain seats in the house, then it would encourage hate or other dangerous ideologies in the United States Government. Likewise, having many political parties participating in Congress could cause even more squabble and inefficiency when it comes to passing legislation. While having just a two-party system will make it simpler to discuss legislation since there are only two ideologies going to battle rather than the limitless amount that would be introduced by a PR system. Although, even with the mess of political parties that could be introduced into Congress, I believe that with a more diverse political climate in Washington we as a society can dissolve our outdated two-party system and allow true representation in American politics. Nearly half of the eligible voting population doesn’t vote and even less for congressional, the united states also rank 31 out of 35 nations when it comes to voting participation. I firmly believe

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