
The Changing Demographics of Texas

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In the United States, for the last four decades, from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan through the two Bush Presidencies, the Republican Party won the White House by amassing large margins among white voters (Lizza.) The state of Texas has been reliably Republican since the 1970s and there are various elements to Texas political culture that can be narrowed down to three essential ideological trends: economic liberalism, or faith in the free market economy, social conservatism, or favoring traditional values and moralism, and populism, or promoting the rights and worthiness of ordinary people (Texas Political Culture.) As a result, the dominant political mood in Texas favors low taxes, minimal government services, and policies that are …show more content…

Whether or not there is a legitimate reason for Republicans to worry about states like Texas leaning Democratic because of their minority, including Hispanic, populations, may depend largely on the level of political engagement of these groups. Increasing voter registration and turnout is a decidedly mixed proposition for the Republicans: if past is prologue, Latinos tend to vote Democrat so that in order for Republicans to prevail in elections, they must either launch an aggressive campaign to win over Latinos, or try to suppress the Latino vote so that there will be fewer votes for Democrats. For Texas, its electoral future depends on whether it can engage a larger number and broader range of its citizens to meet the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead (Lawrence.) If not, Texas will continue to be a state in which there are minimal levels of voter participation overall, and where minority groups are significantly underrepresented. Texas represents a national demographic shift that will cause the United States to become a “minority-majority” country in the near future. Texas achieved that status in 2004, when racial and ethnic minority populations, both native and foreign-born, collectively outnumber non-Hispanic whites; in addition, the state

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