
The Characters Of Professor Van Helsing And Count Dracula

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Stoker produced two eccentric characters of opposite conflicts that were rather identical in their means of doing. Professor Van Helsing and Count Dracula were the main identities in Stoker’s Dracula because they both represented areas of strict morals such as good and evil, respectively. Although the two men present rather general characteristics of their due morals, Stoker also gave subtle commonalities to them. Although Dracula happens to be the evil of the story, it can also be presumed that he may be the good while Van Helsing is the bad. Even though Stoker indicates that the characters remain in their set of morals, both of them presume to acquire each other’s attributes, furthermore.
Van Helsing and Dracula represent the two sides of humanity in a rather vital way; Stoker used both men as individuals but with the overall sense of completion. Whereas one represents what is thought to be holy while the other evil, it is rather ambiguous that this is so. Stoker provides context within his characters however, which provides them with similarities usually disguised as faults. The Professor and the Count are quite indistinguishable because of how Stoker portrays them as two sides to one coin thus allowing each to have their own distinction whilst obtaining similar convictions. Their characters are rather interchangeable since they both exhibit: determination towards their overall goal, strength in times of other’s weakness, and influential capabilities over others.

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