
The Chinese Language

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Upon thinking of the “Chinese Language” most individuals who are not already familiar with the language or Chinese culture will be thinking about the world’s most commonly spoken language which is Mandarin. “Mandarin is the languages spoken and written by the han Chinese who constitute more than 90% of the country’s populations” (Language and Dialects). So, it is reasonable that many people have a more limited knowledge on this particular subject. However, the history of the languages of China is one of great significance extending far beyond just Mandarin. There is a great history that accompanies the languages in China. When discussing the languages in China one has to keep in mind that it is not just the spoken languages at play here. While the spoken languages are very important, in a way the written language is much more essential. This written language can be broken up into two parts, the characters (汉子=hanzi) and then pinyin; which is how the characters are pronounced. The verbal languages spread across China is one of diversity, the dialectal variances between areas within China is amazing. The history surrounding the spoken languages in China is also rather remarkable. “When a republic was declared in 1912, there was no common spoken language in China. Yes. Imperial officials had communicated in tongue used by the elites in Beijing. But the rest of the vast country was linguistically fractured…The lack of a common tongue has always seemed to threaten the daunting

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