
The Colonization Of North America Essay

Decent Essays

During the sixteenth century European pilgrims migrated across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in North America. North America had just been introduced to the Western Civilization. The America’s were home to the indigenous people, that were made up of several tribes that were called Indians by the early settlers. Together the Indians and settlers began to thrive. Growth and development in the new world was made possible by the abundant amount of natural resources. These early settlers had a major influence on the joining of these two cultures. Settlers started to inhabit and populate along the east coast and moving north and south. They began organising into colonies and called themselves colonist. Colonist enjoyed freedoms and opportunities that they never had. Owning land was never possible in the colonist previous civilization. Colonist were also free to decide how they wanted to make a living unlike the peasant life that many of them had known before. One of the biggest reasons the colonist were so enthusiastic because they got to worship how they wanted. They were finally able to practice and believe in God to their best understanding. For centuries very few people have had this right, to worship as they desire. One can see why the colonist lived with so much passion and pride in this new life style. During the 1700s there began to be uneasiness and frustration amongst the colonist. Much of the frustration grew because of the unfair dominion that

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