
The Complex Structures Of The Limbic System

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Limbic System The complex structures of the limbic system boarder the thalamus, belt around the fornix and the Corpus Callosum. The limbic system possesses an array of unique functions due to its complex and unique structures. The system contains the hypothalamus, mammillary bodies, septal area, amygdala, hippocampus, orbital and medial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, ventral striatum and cingulate gyrus (ebrain, 2016). The limbic lobe is mainly responsible for facilitating mental functions and behavior such as emotions, cognition, judgment, impulsivity, learning, memory, pain, perception, motivation, and reward (ebrain, 2016). It is generally a site for the establishment of memory, learning and emotion.

The limbic system contains many unique structures, the hypothalamus being the primary output structure, because it is connected to the frontal lobes, septal nuclei and the brain stem. The hypothalamus is located at the optic chiasm, and connects the limbic system and the autonomic nervous system. Many different biological inputs influence the endocrine functions of the hypothalamus. The body and changes in the body act as an input system for the hypothalamus. Temperature, osmolality, glucose, and sodium concentrations act as internal sensors that signal the function of the hypothalamus. Inputs are received through the fornix and the amygdala pathways which are also important in facilitating hypothalamus function. The hypothalamus is necessary in mediating

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