
The Conditions Of Carriage

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The report will be discussing about the Conditions of Carriage issued by three different airlines, from different regions: Emirates Airlines, Virgin Atlantic Airlines, and Malaysia Airlines. The report is divided into four sections:
1. The development of Conditions of Carriage for airlines
2. Common conditions
3. Variations in conditions
4. Any shortcomings in the conditions which may expose the airlines to risk

1. The development of Conditions of Carriage for airlines.

Airlines, planes, and aircrafts are all words that are used to relate to air transportation. Air transportations are a special service that is taken on air to reach certain destinations around the world within hours. A service where our ancestors would of surly preferred rather than walking and riding horses/ camels that will take months or years to reach their destinations. It is alleged that the Wright Brothers were the first people to construct and fly a plane in mid-air. However that is not entirely true, although the Wright Brothers were not the first to build and fly experimental aircraft they certainly however were the first to invent and construct aircraft controls that made fixed wings powered flight possible. …show more content…

The first commercial airline is believed to be Ilya Muroments who were the first to fly. On December 10th 1913. However on February 25th 1914 it was able to take off for its first demonstration flight with sixteen passengers on board and from June 21st till June 23rd, it was also able to make a round trip from Saint Petersburg (Russia) to Kiev (Ukraine). The duration of the flight was fourteen hours and thirty-eight minutes with only one intermediate landing taken

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