
The Constitution Of The United States

Decent Essays

In 1787 the Constitution of the United States was written and ratified to better that time period. Many people believe that the Constitution was an excellent tool in previous years but, it is no longer relevant to today’s society. Others disagree, they think that the United States Constitution is still applicable to today’s American citizens. The Constitution is significant to American life, it protects each individual’s rights, limits the federal government’s power, and amendments can be added to accommodate new practices, if necessary. While this document was created two hundred twenty – eight years ago, it is what allows everyone to live their lives freely. On May 25, 1787 delegates from each of the thirteen states attended a meeting. This assembly was known as the Constitutional Convention, and it was located in the State House of Pennsylvania. The long a rigorous task of developing a stronger government began. Edmund S. Morgan states, “After meeting on ninety-seven days from May 25 to September 17, 1787, the convention submitted a new plan of government to the states for their approval or rejection,” (Morgan, on creating the U.S. Constitution). Morgan claims, “It had been an arduous and contentious process, sustained through debate and compromiseand the realization that failure to revise or replace the moribund Articles of Confederation could doom the new nation…” (Morgan, Commentary of Delegates & Observers). Even George Washington had concerns that the new plan

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