
Essay on The Controversy of Capital Punishment.

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The Controversy of Capital Punishment Since the earliest times, man has struggled with the concept of justice. The controversy of capital punishment has weighed on the minds of humans since the beginning. When we are wronged it is our natural instinct to demand compensation. This thirst for revenge can be seen in the earliest civilizations and societies. Ancient Hammurabi code states “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” (History of the World). For many people this little axiom seems fair. Others however, think otherwise and warn of a blind and toothless community. What is it about capital punishment that divides so many Americans? Is it the possibility of an innocent man being executed too much of a risk? Should our current …show more content…

If the defendant was found guilty in one of the thirty five United States that enforced the death penalty, he would most likely be executed by means of lethal injection. Lethal injection has proven to be the most humane way of euthanizing criminals. Before this, up to 4 different methods had been used in the United States. These included hangings, firing squads, gas chambers and the infamous electric chair. It was these early methods that had shocked and provoked the public into bringing about a change in the death penalty process. One particular event that caused this change was the execution of John Evans on April twenty second, eighteen eighty six (Radelet). John Evans was to be executed by means of electrocution. It took 14 minutes for the current of electricity to kill Evans.
Evans was reportedly screaming and writhing in his seat. It is also reported that Evans head even caught on fire. Many witnesses also give the first-hand account of the stench of burnt hair and flesh. For many criminals, their actual execution lasted longer than originally expected. March thirteenth, nineteen eighty five, Stephen Morin was to be sentenced to death by lethal injection (Radelet). Morin’s extreme drug abuse made it difficult to find his
Neverett 4 veins. After 45 minutes of jabs and pricks, executioners finally found a vein in Morin’s neck to use (Radelet). Some people may

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