
The Creator Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Creator
The definition of God is the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the Supreme Being. Though many people won’t believe it there is a God; if he didn’t exist this galaxy, this earth and the people that dwell in it would not exist. The purpose of this paper is inform people of his existence.
There are always in-explainable and seemingly impossible events or “miracles” that occur and if there is no God how else could you explain them. Things don’t just happen by chance. For example, scientists tried to analyze the crossing of the red sea in Exodus 14. They say that “a drop in water level caused by wind stress acting on the surface of a body of water for an extended period of time could have been the …show more content…

How was the universe created? These are questions people ask. According to research the universe started out as a highly concentrated ball of matter. Before the matter formed there was nothing but energy in the form of light, also known as photons. When photons have enough energy they can decay into a particle and an antiparticle. For each particle created there is exactly one antiparticle. So there should have been exactly as much antimatter as there is matter and if that’s true that means when the universe had cooled somewhat each particle would have found an antiparticle and combined to form a boson, which is basically the killing of the particles so to speak. The ones that survived formed all the matter in the universe. So basically what research says is that the universe and the galaxy was created by photons and electrons but where did the photons and electrons come from? Things don’t just appear from nothing and as many excuses scientists come up with for how the world was made they know that everything is created and there has to be someone to create therefore there is a God. Nothing happens by chance, there is a cause and effect for everything, the effect was the parting of the red sea and the case was …show more content…

Changes that allow an organism to better adapt to its environment will help it survive and have more offspring. The two main points of the theory are “All life on earth is connected and related to each other” and this diversity of life is a product of “modifications of populations by natural selection, where some traits were favored in and environment over others.” For those that believe in evolution, if we “evolved” from ape like ancestors how did they get here? Why aren’t the ape like ancestors around? Why is there no evidence of them ever existing? The answer, because humans did not evolve from ape like creatures but were created just as all living things were. Evolution proposes that only a small group of individuals that were genetically isolated from the others, evolved, leaving the others to remain the same. The only way we know to acquire new genes is to alter existing genes through random mutation. “The best alteration science has observed has produced only novel re-combinations, most deteriorate the genetic information and thus harm the offspring. Many mutations are fatal. Evolution requires trillions of innovative mutations to produce man from lower forms, and at least millions to produce man or apes from an ape-like ancestor.” None have been observed. Therefore evolution is just a bunch of nonsense that

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