
The Crime Rate Of The United States Essay

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When we get into how society and people look at crime, it happens in every city, every neighborhood, people are victims every day, businesses, and even property. Crime dates back since colonization and the rates have varied over time, believe it or not, crime has decreased over the years. As a matter of fact, the United States has been on a decline. The crime rate for the year 2000 was a total of 11,608,072 a declining year in 2015 with a total of 9,225,197. (U.S. Department of Justice) When it comes to social responsibility, people tend to have a hard time dealing with the laws that pertain to them, it is the responsibility of the people to not violate the human rights of others and be liable for their actions. Unfortunately, the crime, people commit, we often find, they don 't want to own up to and will blame every outlet they can find for their actions. "It 's not my fault", "I 'm broke", "my friend made me do it", "if I made more money," or "my neighborhood is low income." Situations like these could be a tempting and a reason why crimes may happen, due to their life experiences. It is the individual 's decision from the start to make the right choice unless forced against their will. It is up to us as a government, city, judge, community, neighborhood, parents etc. to stick together and find the causes, solutions, and new skill sets for individuals in social problem situations. If we quickly take a look at social problem perspective, we see some topics

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