
The Criminal Justice System

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Law enforcement was established in majority states by the 1900’s. Early forms of policing were night watch and day watch. Without getting paid, people from communities would volunteer to warn if danger. This provided safety until night watchers failed because they weren’t getting paid or they weren’t getting pain enough. Well after the American Revolution and a series of riots, New York was the first to create the New York Police Department. To avoid disaster their unit consisted of day and night watch. Many states started to follow in pursuit.

The current impact of law enforcement within today’s society varies from the different challenges they face. Law enforcement face issues such as working in a multicultural society, corruption within …show more content…

Primarily, the goals can be categorized into two very distinct missions: the need to enforce the law and maintain social order, and the need to protect people from injustice. (Peak 2001) I find the criminal justice system very beneficial to society. The Criminal Justice System has come along way. Theses practices were established in England prior to colonist settling here in America. The study by Herbert Parker recognized crime control and due process being two models of the criminal justice system. Crime control model resembles an assembly line justice, which a premium is placed on solving and closing cases with little concern for individual’s rights or attention to actual guilt or innocence. Due process model assumes the most important that the rights of innocent or falsely accused be protected. The Criminal Justice System is made up of 3 components: police, courts, and correction. All 3 play a major role in crime control today. I will discuss the history of each …show more content…

It isn’t fair to my race that other races seem to have fairer sentencing or treatment. This is how the criminal justice system affects the African American minority race. I hope over time the criminal justice system will improve in giving fair and equal treatment to African Americans. A reconstruction of training and new policies should take place.
Major Criminal issue within today’s Society
Illegal drugs will always be the number one cause of criminal behavior. Within today’s society, drugs have taken a negative impact on individuals who buys and sell drugs. The negative consequences of drug abuse affect not only individuals who abuse drugs but also their families and friends, various businesses, and government resources. Although many of these effects cannot be quantified, ONDCP recently reported that in 2002, the economic cost of drug abuse to the United States was $180.9 billion. (National Drug Threat Assessment) Drugs are one of the major criminal issues that society faced for

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