
The Crucial Role of Native Americans Essays

Decent Essays

For the better part of American history, the Indians have been viewed and portrayed as dimwitted, helpless victims that aimlessly stood by while the Europeans conquered their land, but this view has recently come under fire and has been overturned, as it was determined to be misleading and inaccurate. Two historians that have questioned the legitimacy of past beliefs regarding the Indians are Charles Mann and James Axtell. Each has made it plainly clear in their articles that the actions of Indians should no longer be treated as useless footnotes on the pages of history. While their articles are on seemingly different subjects, their views and beliefs on the importance of Indians in American history are incontrovertibly the same as both …show more content…

Tisquantum was using the oblivious Europeans for his own means, and although he never achieved his goals, it is worth pointing out that he had ulterior motives for aiding the Pilgrims in their time of need. Mann does a good job of supporting his opinion and showing that Indians were not just aloof and passive but conniving and manipulative like their European counterparts. Unfortunately, in the end all the planning and trickery in the world couldn’t have saved the Indians as they were just simply outnumbered and technologically inferior to the Europeans. James Axtell wrote the article entitled, “Colonial America Without the Indians” and it goes into extreme detail to pinpoint the impact that the Indians had on American history. Axtell picks out important events that irrefutably made the U.S. the country it is today and shows what may have happened had the Indians not been in existence. For example, America may not have been settled as quickly if not for the Indians because explorers wouldn’t have known of the hidden gold and silver deposits, many early settlements would likely have failed without knowledge and support from the Indians, and guerilla warfare was practically taught to the Americans by the Indians and became a central piece in the winning of the American Revolution. Most importantly, however, contact with the Indians helped “Americanize” the settlers. It was the changes in the European culture brought on by the Indians

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