
The Current State of the U.S. Economy Essay

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The Current State of the U.S. Economy

The United States economy is racing ahead at dangerous speeds, and it may be too late to prevent the return of widespread inflation. Ideally the economy should move ahead gradually and grow at a steady manageable rate. Mae West once stated “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful” and it seems the U.S. Treasury Secretary agrees. The Secretary announced that due to our increasing surplus and booming economy, instead of having an outsized tax cut, we should use the surplus to further pay down the national debt. A tax cut, though most Americans would favor it initially, would prove counter productive. Cutting taxes would over stimulate an already raging economy, and enhance the possibilities of an …show more content…

The federal reserve has raised interest rates five times in less then twelve months, and the pervious raises are just barely beginning to take effect. The previous raises averaged around a quarter percentage point, and since these raises failed to slow the economy, Greenspan, unable to take anymore chances doubled the previous with a promise of more to come. The interest rates are expected to reach 7.0% by June, the most severally effected by these constant raises are shareholders. Because of these immediate effects market economists are largely against the interest rate hikes. Their position is that the average inflation rate over the past three years has been at around 2% close to the markets expected inflation rate of 1.9%. The economy is on a sixteen year run, continually moving forward. The historical data is there however; the consumer price index was at 1.6% over the past twelve months and the March year over year rate was at 3.7% The market economists do not stop there due to the vast improvements in productivity, largely due to increased technology and the internet, some market economists argue that Greenspan should leave the economy as is. Ideally the growth rate of the economy should be set by the growth rate of the labor force and productivity, and if the two were similar, inflation would not be a factor. The economy

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