
The Dakota Pipeline Project : Structural Racism Essay

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The early United States settlers exemplified structural racism through Manifest Destiny and it has now become the main issue within the Dakota Pipeline project. Structural racism is the unjust treatment of minorities by the Government. It is important to understand the past to show how unchanging government policies continue to discriminate against Native Americans. The current debate of whether the Dakota Pipeline is a legal and fair installation goes beyond the oil industry and ultimately addresses the much larger issue of Native American rights. The US government historically exercised structural racism of Native Americans and continually manipulates their culture and property rights, as evidenced today by the Dakota Pipeline.
The Energy Transfer Partners wants to install the Dakota Pipeline near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, but the Sioux tribe is fighting to stop the installation of the pipeline to preserve their culture and assert their right to the property. The Dakota Pipeline is an oil pipeline that would transport oil from North Dakota through South Dakota and Iowa into Illinois. The Dakota Pipeline should not be installed because it disrespects the Native Americans’ culture and discriminates against The Sioux, a minority within the United States. The unjust treatment of Native Americans is due to the government’s disregard for Native American property rights and the government’s belief that they can simply take Native American property away because they are

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