
The Dangers Of Child Beauty Pageants

Decent Essays

Child beauty pageants are beauty contests that include sections like talent, sportswear, casual wear, swim wear, theme wear, outfit of choice and evening wear. Contestants who participate in these beauty contests are generally a few months to 16 years old. It is imperative to realise that child beauty pageants have no aspects that aid in the grooming of the future generations of men and women in the world. In fact, a show like TLC’s popular Toddlers and Tiaras is a perfect example to review as it displays how these beauty pageants exploit children. The experience of being placed in beauty pageants could potentially be more harmful than helpful in most aspects of development for children. The argument presented will focus on underlying matters such as: how child beauty pageants are sexualising and exploiting young girls and boys, how they pose a risk to the psychological and physical health of children and how they …show more content…

Travis Stork of CBS’s The Doctors says, “Something as small as wearing high heels at a young age can push weight forward, causing lower back pain and hindering proper development of the feet”. Travis Stork also says that, “hair spray contains chemicals like phthalates that can act as hormone disruptors and can have been linked to stunted growth and even lung cancer.” Furthermore, placing such impractical expectations can contribute to eating disorders. In the last 10 years the number of girl hospitalised for eating disorders has increased by 270% and beauty pageant girls are becoming anorexic just so they can be pretty and win trophies in pageants ("Child Beauty Pageants | Teen Ink"). Thus, it is evident child beauty pageants place ridiculous expectations on appearance that put the well-being children in

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