
The Dangers Of Fracking Research Paper

Good Essays

Mallery Lewis
Comp II
Mr. Bowers
24 April 2015 The Dangers of Fracking How do you feel about drinking chemically polluted water? Hydraulic Fracturing, or "Fracking", is the process of obtaining natural gas by drilling and injecting liquid into the ground to break shale rocks.This method is not only environmentally unsafe, but the cost of drilling is extremely high and the required workforce causes housing shortages in the areas being drilled. Cleaner, less costly forms of obtaining energy are available, such as ethanol or electric vehicles. Fracking is not the best way to obtain our energy. Citizens of the United States must cease their support of the drilling method known as Fracking.
The whole process of fracking is incredibly unsafe …show more content…

Taking care of our environment is the only step we can take to ensure that humanity has a long future ahead of us. To misuse the planet further than we already have with logging, damming, and pollution means a predetermined date where the earth will eventually be unable to support life any longer. “Compared to coal, the footprint of shale gas is at least 20% greater and perhaps more than twice as great on the 20-year horizon, and is comparable over 100 years”(Black). This exemplifies the fact that even though the profits may be great, the true cost put on the environment eclipses any benefit.
The mere cost of fracking makes the entire process itself irrelevant and should not have allowed it to progress past the proverbial drawing board. “A recent report from the Department of Transportation which estimates that gas drilling cost 2 billion dollars in road damages to the East Ford Shale of South Texas alone” (Remington). This only means that the company is in it for pure profit and does not mind the global impact their actions have on humanity as a whole. This exemplifies the quote that common sense is anything but common …show more content…

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Black, Richard. "Shale Gas 'worse than Coal' for Climate." BBC News. BBC, 04 Dec. 2011. Web. 06 May 2013.
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