
The Death Penalty In The United States

Decent Essays

The death penalty does not keep crime from happening. Over the years, the death penalty has been a very major moral issue within today’s society. This particular form of punishment is usually given to people who have been found guilty of capital crime. However, penalizing an individual in this manner is not a solution to the problem. The United States is already in a tremendous amount of debt and dealing with budget shortages, so spending thousands even hundreds of thousands on ending an individual’s life because they were found guilty of a crime is absolutely absurd. The death penalty costs taxpayers way more per year than a prisoner within the general population. It is a cruel punishment against mankind and therefore should be ceased. In conclusion, the death penalty should be discontinued in the United States because it uses up tax …show more content…

Though morality is dependent upon one’s personal inclination, most people can agree that it is not respectable to torture a human being before he or she is put to death. Animals are “put down” humanely so it would only make sense for people to be as well. There are issues such as homeless people, starving children, and young boys and girls who are victims of sex trafficking to tend to. Money that could be used for these areas of concern is being used to kill inmates in ways that cannot guarantee one hundred percent that there will be little to no pain each time the death penalty is utilized. As previously expressed, it is cheaper to sentence someone to life in prison and continue to keep them alive than it is to put someone on death row and kill them. Taxpayers are constantly looking for cuts within taxes and the perfect way to reward them with this would be to eliminate the death penalty. Since capital punishment does not seem to be solving the issue of gruesome murders taking place within the United States, there is no need to continue

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