
The Death Penalty Is An Amazing Waste Of Taxpaying Money Essay

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Final Judgment Death Row
Keyaunta Stewart
Northwestern State University
CJ 2400- American Courts
Mr. Frank Hall
March 24, 2016

There is no way to tell of the thousands of people that have been executed, which were innocent. Since 1973 more than 150 people have been released from prison with evidence of innocence. Studies have shown that the death penalty has zero to no effect on violent crimes, and it is an amazing waste of taxpaying money. They were wrongfully imprisoned due to mistaken eyewitness testimony, faulty forensic science, and false confession as a result of wrongdoing by the police and finally racial biased. That was just a minimal list of reasons a case could go wrong. There are many reasons why someone would be against the death penalty. For example, there are strong religious beliefs that one might have, the death penalty is and expression of the absolute power of the state. As of October 2015 there have been over 1,414 individuals in this country alone lethally executed. In the issue of the death penalty it all goes back to whether the death penalty deters future crime. I feel that one solution to this issue would be to get rid of the death penalty altogether.
Keywords: death penalty, execution, prison, innocent.

Jailhouse Statistics
A 2009 poll commissioned by the DPIC found police chiefs ranked the death penalty last among ways to reduce violent crime. It also shows that the death penalty is the least efficient way to spend tax

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