
The Death Penalty Of Capital Punishment

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Death Penalty
Capital punishment have been a main debate on whether it is a cruel and unusual punishment and what it actually consist of. Even though the death penalty has been abolished in most of the western nation, the United States remain to practice the activity. The death penalty is perceived by an abolitionist as a form of cruel, unusual punishment. The idea comes from the fact that the death penalty deny the criminal their right to life. The judgment to execute criminals comes from government officials that generally claim to “speak for God.” In addition, this act violates the Eighth Amendment; prohibiting the government from imposing cruel and unusual punishment. To receive this type of punishment, the individual have to commit an extremely murderous crime that strongly affects humanity. Before any action of executions occurs, the criminal is put on death row for random extents of time. This such procedure for most absolutely “evil” criminals is thought to be the humane form of showing other individuals not to commit extreme crimes such as murder. The death penalty decision is a mixture between morality and emotions. As it have been administrated in today’s society, the death penalty shows patterns of discriminatory act in certain states of Western America. Unfortunately, discrimination is one the main factors that play when making decisions whether to execute guilty or even innocent people who has committed a murderous crime. This discriminatory act is most

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