
Essay on The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb

Good Essays

The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb

On December 7, 1941, Japan bombed the United States naval facility known as

Pearl Harbor. This attack brought the United States into World War Two. Within the

four years that followed, the United States--under the presidency of Franklin D.

Roosevelt-- researched and developed an atomic bomb. This was known as the

Manhattan Project. Such a bomb was more powerful and destructive than any ever

known to man. After FDR died on April 12, 1945, the decision to drop the bomb was left

in the hands of the new president, Harry S. Truman. On July 25, 1945, President

Truman gave the order to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Twelve days

later, an atomic bomb was …show more content…

Most of these were

civilians. By the end of the year, 140,000 more people were dead as a result of radiation

from the blast. (Note: these figures may vary slightly due to the fact that many records

were destroyed in the blast (Gup 89) . Similar losses were shown in Nagasaki. Many

lives were ended as a result of this unnatural disaster, most of them civilian. The people

that did not die immediately suffered severe illness related to the bomb (Hiroshima 1) .

Many of these people later died (Hiroshima 1) . Thosse who didn't die had severe

radiation-related diseases, such as cancer (Hiroshima 1) . Many survivors had grotesque

burns on their bodies making them outcasts from society. (Gup 90) All pregnancies

within a two-mile radius of the center of the blast resulted in miscarriage or stillbirth

(Bloomfield 1-3). Moreover, not a single plant would take root for seventy-five years

after the bomb (Gup 80). Furthermore, entire communities were lost. Seventy-thousand

buildings were destroyed (Gup 80). These include schools, churches, hospitals, homes,

and people's businesses. For the 100,000 hibakush, or survivors of the bomb, their lives

are still tortured by the memories (Gup 99). The United States had no idea of the long-

term effects of this bomb.

In dropping the bombs on Hirshima and Nagasaki, the United States violated

several international laws ratified by the United States Senate

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