
The Dehumanization Of Slavery By Solomon Northup

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In this book, the author delves into the horrors of slavery and what it really meant to be a slave. The cruelty that Solomon Northup endures goes beyond just blunt force beatings but extends to mental anguish. Solomon’s case was not a unique one, but it is still an important one.
He was once a free man but he finds himself being torn away from his family and thrown into the harsh and unforgiving world of slavery. The main focus of this paper will be the parts of slavery that were dehumanizing. This paper will look how the slaves were treated before they were sent off to the plantations, as well as how they were treated at the plantations and what life was like there. It will also explore the slaves themselves and who slavery affected …show more content…

All these different plantations help give a fuller picture of what life was like as a slave and how complex slavery truly was. Not all the plantations that Solomon Northrup lived on were as brutal and strict as others. In some cases, some of his earlier owners were, to some respect, kind and seemed to care about the lives of their slaves, again, to some respect. While earlier plantation experiences were not so demeaning this doesn’t mean that Solomon
Northrup did not experience any brutality while on his way to these plantations, some of the most dehumanizing events happen at the beginning of the book. These are attempts to strip the slaves of any sense of humanity. The prime example is when Solomon was first picked up and sold to slavery and the man who he had been sold to beat him into submission. He beat Solomon for saying that he was a free man and demanded that he recognize that he was a slave. This seen is dehumanizing in every way. “A man with a particle of mercy in his soul would not have beaten even a dog so cruelly” (pg 22). This scene describes how harshly he was beaten. “He swore that he would either conquer or kill me” (pg 23), and this scene shows the level of …show more content…

Finally, the plantation that stood out the most, and the one in which the worst things happened, was the plantation owned by Edwin Epps. Edwin Epps was a truly deplorable human being. He was a drunk who enjoyed beating his slaves for the most outlandish reasons. The smallest slip up would be met with the harshest of punishment. He was often reprimanded by other slave owners for his overly harsh punishments of the slaves. This emphasis how abusive he truly was. Edwin
Epps often came close to killing Solomon Northrup forcing Solomon to result to self-defense which would result in him being harshly punished. One of the most difficult things that Northrup experienced was the whipping of other slaves.
“Up to the time of my departure, I had to wear a whip about my neck in the field. If Epps was present, I dare not show any lenity, not having the Christian fortitude of a certain well-known
Uncle Tom sufficiently to brave his wrath, by refusing to perform his office” (pg 162). Having

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