
The Demonstration Of Leadership Style

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Demonstration of leadership style can be either formal or informal. A formal leader is one that is selected and given authority by the hospital management to make decisions and act (Kozier et al, 2010). They are in a position of leadership thus includes the charge nurse, resource nurse, and the manager. They create shared vision, build trusting relationship through communication and initiating transformation and democracy through role directing and being role defined (Ezziane, 2012). The informal leader includes all other nurses or health care workers that are not officially appointed to direct activities of others but plays an important role in influencing colleagues to achieve the group 's goals (Kozier et al, 2010). These leaders are followers as well as learners on the unit. It includes all health care workers. Informal leader 's role is implemented when RPN nurses seek help from the RN in hanging some medication due to their scope of practice. They fully engage others and collaborate with other RN nurses when needed. They call on RPN nurses and nursing students present on the unit to come and learn. Informal leaders are relational, issue- defined and situational (Ezziane, 2012). In my clinical setting, an informal role is more predominant than a formal role leadership. According to Ezziane, (2012) "informal leadership are more appropriate to provide high-quality services, promote creativity and innovation"
Formal and informal roles both create interdependence between

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