
The Design Argument for the Existence of God Essay

Decent Essays

The Design Argument for the Existence of God

The basis and structure towards the Design Argument is all about a creator and designer whom set things and planned everything to be the way it is today. Unlike the cosmological argument, the Design Argument is a lot simpler to understand and has simple steps towards it. The main point that the Design Argument claims is the fact that everything in nature seems to be put together in just the right manner suggests that an intelligent designer was responsible for its creation.

The most famous philosopher who commented on this argument was William Paley with his argument by analogy by comparing the universe to a watch. He states that certain parts are …show more content…

The law of gravity and planets have a purpose and have all been ordered to do the same and have been doing the same thing continuously for years. This backs up the theory that a creator created things to do a specific job and to do it to the best of their abilities. This also leads on to the fact how the World must have been planned, as it is suitable for inhabitants such as humans. Hence plants photosynthesis oxygen, which humans take in. The world was planned and had already adapted for the evolution and for the expanse of the human race. Thus meaning that someone or something must thought ahead and premeditated that there needed to be specific creatures to do individual things for others to survive. There is just enough oxygen to support life on earth. If there were even a little less, the Earth’s atmosphere would not be able to support life, as we know it. But if there were just a little bit more oxygen in the atmosphere, combustion would occur too easily and often and it would once again be difficult to sustain life in such conditions. Moreover, the Earth is just the right distance from the sun. If we were a little bit closer, the atmosphere would be too hot to sustain life; but if we were a little further away, plants would not receive enough energy from the sun to carry on photosynthesis, the primary

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