
The Difference Between Happiness And Happiness

Decent Essays

Are the most successful people also the happiest? To answer this question, we must define the words success and happiest. The concept of happiness and success seems similar at an initial glance, however, the two represent diverse aspects of examining the society. Happiness is more of a feeling while success is not. Someone does not need progress to be happy since many structures pay to the comprehension of the condition. On top of that, the circumstances are different depending on the individual, on the other hand, success is not an emotion but a judgment of its kind. Deciding on the level of success one reaches is a way of evaluating an individual and arriving at a conclusion whether they measure up to a standard. Therefore, it is fundamental to notice the difference between the two points.
Happiness results from a sense of personal achievement or accomplishment, bringing about the evident confusion between success and happiness, it feels gratifying and a sense of honor when one achieves a meaningful set goal. However, the situation does not conclude to complete fulfillment as maintaining of the expected. Additionally, the goal posts shift, and new expectations realize, the events could wear down an individual creating a state of loneliness. In my option, money cannot buy happiness, and beyond a certain level of income, money stop being an interpreter of joy and the overall well-being.
Money can also get an equation to hygiene factor after basic financial needs get

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