
The Differences Between Our Political Parties Essay

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The Differences Between Our Political Parties America is a land of very diverse people from all parts of the world. They all have wide varieties of interests, which are represented by both parties of its political system. The Democrats and Republicans represent two different standpoints; although they concentrate on the same issues both of them have different views on how the issues should be addressed. Two presidential campaigns in which the parties’ candidates differed on the issues are that of 1988 and 1996. Democracy only works when the people who represent the masses differ on the issues, so that to protect our freedom and the parties of our political system are the best representation of this ideology. The campaign of 1988 …show more content…

“… we've got to do a lot better on education, and we have to do, be tougher on those who commit crimes.” But Mr. Dukakis felt that values must be reflected by political leaders themselves to set as an example for the children. He goes on by saying that government should send good messages to young people and its better to advocates early drug education programs and create a good environment in the schools. Another issue with differing viewpoints was that on the federal deficit. Mr. Dukakis believes that there should be less spending on defense system, which we can afford or need. He also says investment in economic growth will expand the revenue and bring down the deficit and finally he believes his programs will get many people out of welfare and become productive citizens, which would save millions of dollars. Mr. Bush refutes his argument with his so called “flexible freeze.” He believes this program is “going to increase revenues to the federal government, and it's going to create jobs.” He supports his argument by saying that John Kennedy had advocated this program and so had Paul Tsongas, a Senator from Massachusetts, and it does not cost the government any money. One of the most important question that politicians have been arguing about since its establishment after the Depression is Medicaid. Mr. Bush tended to see Medicaid as a big financial bill for the government. But “we've got to keep going forward without killing off the engine and throwing

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