
The Doctrine Of Separate Personality And Lifting The Veil Of Incorporation

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The Doctrine of Separate Personality has been an important aspect in the Company Law for a long time. It had been discussed heavily in the Salomon v Salomon & CO (1987) which was the leading case for this matter (Dine and Koutsias, 2009, p.17). In fact, it may be the most well-known case in the company law. Company law is simply any laws that related to organizations and businesses in the UK. However, the one that established the doctrine of separate personality is not from Salomon case, it simply permitted its application to one-man and private companies (Kelly, Hammer and Hendy, p.356). Under the separate personality is said to be a ‘veil’ that separated between the owners and the business. This veil can actually be pierced whether under a companies legislation or common law. Thus, in this essay there will be discussions about the matter of separate personality and lifting the veil of incorporation with reference of the leading case Salomon v Salomon & CO and other cases that are related.

From the beginning of the judicial history, the lawyers and judges have emphasized about how a corporation is an intangible legal entity alone without body or soul (Arthur and Machen, 1911). The doctrine of separate legal personality basically is about how a corporation and the owners were two different entity (Kelly, Hammer and Hendy, 2014). The Limited Liability Act which replaced by the Joint Stock Companies Act 1856, is where the members are only liable up to the amount that

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