
The Dream : An Achievable Goal Of The American Dream

Decent Essays

The term “American Dream”, popularized by a freelance writer by the name of James Truslow Adams in 1931, is used to describe the idea that the United States is the land of prosperity, which any man can work hard and gain wealth and happiness without the fear of a controlling government. It is thought that the everyone has equal opportunities and can become successful as they please, as long as they work for it. The American dream is more of a goal that every American, or someone who wants to be American, has in order to achieve what that want to be, or where they want to be, in their life. The American dream is an achievable goal that one has in his or her own life that states what the person wants to get out of their life. The most common …show more content…

These people, in combination with hard work, were determined to create a new life and built everything from the ground up. They achieved their dream of a better life by being determined to, and taking risks, to make it happen. Utilizing hard work and determination together, one can easily achieve their American dream. But after someone achieves their American dream, what do they after that? They would begin a new American dream whether they believe it or not. For example, Bayliss Wheeler, the brother of Claude Wheeler, achieved his dream at a very young age by becoming a successful businessman. Now that he is successful, the only thing he focuses on is making more and more money. His new dream is to continue to make money and live his life out to the end. One may ask the question: why does America have this idea of a dream when most other countries do not? Well, the American dream has always been apart of American culture, since America was founded upon the ideas of freedom. In the Declaration of Independence, the foundation of America, it states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of

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