
The Effect Of Body Cameras On Police Work

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Rialto, California is an example of a city with positive results from the use of body-cameras. In Rialto, police began wearing body-cameras a little less than three years ago. As a result of officers wearing body-cameras, citizens’ complaints against police officers dropped 88 percent and use of force by police officers dropped 60 percent from the previous 12 month period when body-cameras were not in use. Rialto’s police chief said, “When you put a camera on a police officer, they tend to behave a little better, follow the rules a little better. And if the citizen knows the officer is wearing a camera, chances are the citizen will behave a little better” (Lovett).
The belief in the beneficial nature of using body-worn cameras in police work is becoming widely accepted. It has come to the point that that even police officers and their unions are supporting the universal use of body-cameras. For example, in Washington D.C., the police union backed a policy change by management mandating body cameras (Mangu-Ward). It is unusual for the police union to support a policy change mandated by management. In this case, that policy change was not subject to union approval. However, the union feels like cameras protect police. The union said that it favors body cameras because they will discourage citizens from filing false complaints against police. People who want to make false complaints will know that there is evidence to show that those complaints are false. In addition, in a

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