
The Effect Of Iron Sulphate Concentration On The Growth Of Triticum Aestivum

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A study on the effect of iron sulphate concentration on the growth of Triticum aestivum, as measured by shoot length

For the plants development to carry out general processes, an example being photosynthesis, required for life. There are different roles which can be changed, altered, removed or added that can affect the plant, an example being an increase temperature, CO2. Iron is a micronutrient like iron, used by plants for plant growth, it's role a key factor in enzyme present and able to carry out the the processes and needed for the formation of chlorophyll. A reason as to why iron plays a key part in the plants development, is due to the fact that the fundamental components of protein found in the enzyme that controls a large sum of chemical reactions which happens in a plant. A study carried out showed that iron aided in seed production needed for activity in enzymes, however in the correct dosages.

A excess of iron can inhibit plant growth, also hindering photosynthetic electron transport. An excess can also cause iron poisoning which causes the plants to change in colour from green to yellow and the growth of the plant to be stunted. Increased levels of iron can similarly cause a huge drop in plant's seed germination and iron intake

The plant experimented on, was wheat which is one of the world's most used products in creating carbohydrate foods i.e. cereal. The discerning factor of wheat is that it carries more use in comparison to rice or maize

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