
The Effect of Caffeine on Plant Growth

Decent Essays

Effec | Effect of caffeine on plant growth |

This science fair project was performed to find out the effect on plant growth of adding caffeine to the soil. The experiment was done by using mung bean plants and watering them daily with water, water mixed with caffeine and with a coffee mixture.
The mung beans watered using the coffee mixture will grow the fastest.
Caffeine and plant growth

The effect of adding caffeine to the soil and its effect on plant growth is a subject that has been studied for quite some time. Some plants seem to benefit and grow faster when caffeine is added to the soil, while others seem to become stunted or grow slower. There are also some plants that are not affected by …show more content…

4. After 5 days, measure the height of the 10 plants in each pot. Add up the individual heights and divide by 10 to obtain the average height. Record the average heights in a table, as shown below.

5. Prepare the caffeine solution by dissolving 10g of caffeine tablets in 100ml of water in a beaker. Label the beaker ‘caffeine’. Similarly, add 10g of coffee to 100ml of water in another beaker and label it ‘coffee’.

6. Label the 3 pots ‘water’, ‘caffeine’ or

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