
The Effects Of Children Beauty Contest On Its Contestants

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The purpose of this paper is to assess the negative effects of children beauty contest on its contestants. Although many people argue that there are some benefits of this contest such as build up the confidence, self-esteem, public speaking skills, tact, and poised it is also true that it can result to negative psychological effects and interferes in child development worldwide. The Toddlers and Tiaras, and Little Miss Perfect are popular reality TV shows that features young girls the real hardship and obstacles from their mother’s pressure or preparation for the pageant. They are ages from 1 to 12 years old, with main goal of winning and get the tiara and money or ribbon or teddy bears. Generally, the parents of these young girls believe and make decision that the beauty pageant is okay. Pageants, particularly those designed for younger children, focus primarily on appearance, attire, and perceived “cuteness.” Parents of these little girls train them, plastering their natural beauty by using spray tanners, hair extensions and thick makeups. In addition, some little girls lose their teeth as a natural process of growing up, so parents will add fake teeth to replace the ones that have been lost. Therefore, the result is an unnatural appearance of what a little girl should look like. A child 's innocence is broken with fake smiles, false eyelashes, and polished appearances. Displaying a mature look, more like those of at least 16 years old. From infancy on, beauty pageants

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