
Cognition Essay

Decent Essays


Cognition has significant ties to the brain function, this leads to strong association. Although the brain is greatly impacted in a run, cognition is not in young adults. Cognition is benefited in those who are ”losing it” possible of age-relation, like those with dementia or heading there (Stroth, 2009). Middle age is when the cognition can start to be impacted because exercise seems to decrease tissue loss in areas around the brain. With the loss of tissue a counterside to not exercising, exercise for the middle age can be even more beneficial than it is to teens. The brain faces new challenges as people hit middle age including; pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia. The relationship to young …show more content…

Animals are used in many experiments, including those on seeing how the brain is impacted in different ways from specific activity. The process of neural adaptation alongside exercise come together and increase the regional blood flow. The increase in levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), with upregulation of genes is identified with cellular plasticity. These changes occur in the metabolism and of important neurotransmitters including serotonin and dopamine, which are crucial for cognitive functions and for the best effects. Stimulations of neurogenesis in an adult brain from physical activity has resulted in more efficient, plastic and adaptive brain to extend onto better learning and performance in animal adults.

The brain is an important part of research to many, especially when in the investigation stage. There was another study done, not on animals but on young adults with moderate aerobic training at individual levels at certain intensities to see what different effects could possibly be. The effects that the study was focusing on was obvious potential positive effects, specifically in cognitive function. Lactate threshold is commonly used for labs, to test and see if the heart rate is high, or too high from the intensity level that the workout is at. The threshold model comes from multiple studies that show significant improvements among the individuals who were untrained. The results of the untrained

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