
The Effects Of Media On Children 's Body Image, Self Esteem, And The Internet

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Over the past decade, media has become a major part of day to day life for the average person living in the United States of America. Media finds its way into your household in a wide variety of ways, including television, movies, music, and the internet. With society’s growing obsession with media, it is easy to see how it plays a role on impacting the lives of children, women, and men. Mass media effects people’s body image, self-esteem, and the overall way society is portrayed. There is a major link between media and a person’s mental as well as physical health.
A key aspect that will affect future generations to come is that children are exposed to media at such a young age. It is easier for parents to distract their children by …show more content…

A major aspect to all these types of social media is posting pictures and obtaining likes and comments. In turn of receiving these responses it is a form of “reassurance and validation regarding physical and social attractiveness” (Perloff, 2014). Once again females as well as men are generally sexualized and impressions are based on one’s appearance, resulting in altering the way a person perceives themselves.
Social media is not the only source that effects people’s perception of themselves. Television shows and movies are also major sources that influence society. Television shows and movies gives people an unrealistic perspective on life. For instance, with the overwhelming amount of romantic movies, it may cause some single people to have a sense of loneliness and possibly depression. While on the other hand, people that are in romantic relationships also are affected by these movies due to the fact they may see their situation as not the “ideal” relationship. Seeing unrealistic relationship expectations effects both single people and people that are in a relationships. However, it is not only romantic movies that cause societies misinterpretation of life, action movies/shows and video games affect people as well.
Furthermore than movies and shows, music plays a vital role in the way people express themselves and view each other. While some music is inspirational and motivating other music is demoting and

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