
The Effects Of Standardized Tests On Education Essay

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D) All of the Above Emotions
Education has never been constant, always subjected to the whims of various trends as they come in and out of style. Recently, many in the field have pushed for more data on each individual student, to be supplied by an increasing number of longer standardized assessments. This trend has clearly had a large impact on education, exemplified by the recent proliferation of standardized tests administered to students, especially young students. In an opposing trend attempting to counteract that increased attention to numbers, exists the push for more emotion and personal growth aimed instruction inside the classroom. Those in favor of data argue that the numbers allow instruction to be tailored to a student 's individual needs, while those in opposition maintain that a child is not a number, but a complex individual who will succeed best when given appropriate emotional tools. Bridging the gap between the two camps is a third viewpoint: emotional strength should be routinely assessed and consistently taught in order to effectively emphasize its importance to students. While social-emotional skills and traits are vital to a student’s eventual success, teachers should model these attributes, not test for them, as the assessments available are both impractical and ineffective.
Students are, first and foremost, people; young people at that. And while their academic success and growth is at the forefront of education’s focus, their possession of

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