
The Effects Of Tylenol Products On The Economy

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According to Lewis (2006), crisis is “an interruption from previously normal state of functioning resulting in turmoil, instability, and a significant upheaval to a system” (p. 27). In other words, a crisis is a negative predictable or unpredictable event that affects the future trend of individuals, groups, organizations, and government. For instance, pharmaceutical company Johnson and Johnson had an unpredictable crisis in 1982 with its product Tylenol, which was laced with cyanide and led to several murders in Chicago. The events of this crisis could have changed the perception of Tylenol products. Another example of organizational crisis was the predictable 2012 Hurricane Sandy. Although companies of all sizes expected the Hurricane due to the weather forecasting, some areas in New York and New Jersey were affected worse than others. There were businesses that terminated operations for several business days. In addition to Hurricane Sandy being an organizational crisis, it was also a crisis for many families that lost power in their homes and a crisis for government departments such as FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), and other agencies within local and state governments.
Anxiety (or stress) should not be mistaken for a crisis. For instance, a parent being late picking-up his/her child from a daycare is not a crisis, it is anxiety that is sometimes manifested with a fast heartbeat, extreme sweating, etc. On the other hand, the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting

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