
The Effects of Inclusion on Mainstream Education

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In 1993 a woman by the name of Dee Begg filed a lawsuit against the school district office of Baltimore County, Maryland. She wanted her son Sean, a developmentally challenged eight-year-old boy suffering from Trisomy 21, also known as Down syndrome, to be able to attend a public school with normal children. Down Syndrome is a genetic condition in which a person is born with forty-seven chromosomes instead of the usual forty-six causing both physical and mental handicaps. Children suffering from Down syndrome will often have a smaller than usual and abnormally shaped head. An abnormally large forehead, with their eyes slanting upward, small ears and mouth are just a few of the telltale signs. Children suffering from this disorder …show more content…

They were to ignore him when acted out or became disruptive and praise him when he behaved in an acceptable manner. In a sense, this made every one of the kids in his class one of Sean’s teachers. They were forced to accept that Sean could get away with doing things that would have landed them in the principal’s office. Kathy would have to spend significant amounts of extra time working with Sean when teaching him how to do something the other children had learned in five minutes two weeks ago. The academic gap between Sean and the rest of his classmates continued to widen as the school year continued.
Sean became more and more aware that he was different than the rest of his classmates. He would get frustrated when he was not able to learn something as fast as the other children. This caused Sean to lack the self-confidence that is a crucial element in getting a good education. Sean would isolate himself from the other children, eating his lunch all alone at a solitary desk off in the corner of the lunchroom. When walking down the hall, Sean would often follow several paces behind the rest of the class sometimes refusing to follow at all. It would appear his detached behavior would cause Sean to harbor feelings of resentment towards the other kids. Seemingly frustrated by the fact that they advanced at a rate he could not keep up with, Sean would on occasion, physically assault the other children without any warning. The repercussions of his actions were not the

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