
The Eschatology Of Ecaepism

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Ecaepism is defined as a religion that encompasses aspects from all religions, for the unique purpose of peace. As Gandhi once said“[a]n eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind” illustrating what this world will come to if society continues to live in a chaotic manner, according to the ecaepies. Subsequently, Mother Earth will seize to exist due to the actions of a militant group; the rebels. The rebel group will be created by a person who wishes to be the new leader and who desires the need for destruction. The Eschatology of Ecaepism (see Appendix) explains the upcoming immutable reality. As the prophecy goes the rebels will not be able to live with the peace of this world anymore and they will try to create violence to counter the tranquility of this planet. This violence will be created through public beating, capturing, killing and brainwashing …show more content…

ISIS, a militant Islamic group, has publicly claimed responsibility for the attack that ended with over a hundred casualties (Castillo). Though Islam’s interpretation is very individualized, it allows for reformed religious movement to evolve. Hence, ISIS is an islamic unified terrorist group whose’s motives are allegedly justifiable through a militant interpretation of the Quran. Furthermore, the violent extremist group declares itself the true Islam. Thus, the impact of current events has resulted in a world wide generalization about the religion entirely when in fact this is not true. Moreover, Muslims around the world have taken to social media about the subject by trying to separate the connection between the religion and the extremist events (Jenkins), which caused the initial inspiration for this creation. In sum, my revelation was drawn from this atrocity which touched communities all over the world and, in addition, the negative ethnocentrism towards Muslims world

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