
The European Union As A Global Governing Body

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The development of anything takes time, be it a child or a global governing body. There is an erroneous assumption in the world that the concept of the European Union, the idea of having a shared currency, and borderless pan-European continent is new. However, the pan-European identity present in Modern Europe took time to establish, especially after the continent was devastated by two World Wars. The idea of a pan-European identity as it is known today through the European Union was established after the end of the Second World War, as the need for a united Western Europe was needed to combat the increasing influence of the United States on the European economy and the possible threat of war with the Soviet Union. The policies of the …show more content…

In 1949, the Council of Europe was formed in an attempt to create a European parliament that would help aid European integration, as a means to prevent the threat of a war arising between traditional enemies (i.e. France and Germany) and to create a combined front against a new threat in the form of the Soviet Union . The Council of Europe was created as a forum where enemies could seek diplomatic solutions and promote political and economic cooperation in Europe, rather than go to war with each other . The creation of the Council of Europe is what inspired other European nations to seek a comprehensive alignment treaty that incorporated deeper levels of cooperation amongst European nations, this motivation led to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, as a means to protect the safety of workers in Europe.
The first significant step towards this was the eventual establishment of the European Union in 1993 was the establishment of the ECSC, which was an organization established by France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg (the Six) . The establishment of the ECSC was promoted by the developing idea of Europeanism amongst these six nations, who became disillusioned with Britain’s lack of involvement in the European community, as Britain was a member of the European Economic Cooperation and the Council of Europe, but had no intention of participating in a common market economic

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