
The Evolution Of Hip Hop / Rap Essay

Decent Essays

In this essay, I will be informing you, as the reader on the evolution of Hip-Hop/Rap. The key points will be where it is today, how this genre of music is not only used as music; but is used as communication to connect with the listeners, how it affects people; physically, mentally and psychologically. In other words, I will be addressing where it was created and how it is used to speak and communicate with the listeners. This genre dates back hundreds of years ago, when African-Americans were enslaved, when rap and hip-hop were known as the same thing. This has always been a part of African American culture and they had always made it they’re own. They used this form of music to express the pain and abuse they went through; it was used as an escape from they’re daily struggle they called “life”. “Thousands of years ago in Africa “griots” where story tellers who played handmade instruments while they told stories about family and current events…Griots were captured against their will and forced into slavery” (Mize, 2014). Hip-Hop and rap resurfaced in the Bronx, in the 70’s, around this time people in Bronx were going through, poverty, unemployment, increased crime, etc. Which caused them to have freedom of expression through rhyming; creating the meaning rap. Although the meaning of the word “Rap” original meant to strike or blow. Which in my opinion fits perfectly because they are striking mentally with words instead of physically. This genre is basically a form of

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