
The Evolution Of The Human Body

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The evolution of the human body can be observed from studying the intermediates found in ancestral organisms. Shubin proposes that every attribute that makes us human can be traced back to a time that showcases its importance for survival. Every single trait in the human body has been selected for through multiple mechanisms of evolution, natural selection being one of them. This theory is intriguing because not long ago it was unheard of to relate humans to fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. Every highly specialized characteristic such as balance, sight, smell, and more began as an extremely simple mutational advantage. The complexity seems unfathomable to many as to how the human body as been come to be, but everything can be explained logically once scientists take a closer look at other organisms. Selective pressure is constantly promoting the survival of advantages mutations and quickly removing disadvantageous traits. Organisms were not designed to be what they are today but rather they underwent a lengthy experiment of trial and error.
The different environmental pressures have lead to a vast expansion of biodiversity, each organism is best suited to fit their own niche. There is no “superior” organism since the outcome is that the species is the best adapted to its environment over another species. Species always have a potential niche and a realized niche where their specific advantageous traits were selected for to aid in their survival. Specific

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