
The Existential Theory Of Psychology Essay

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Abstract Existential theory is only one of many different theories in psychology. This paper will work to help give the reader a better understanding of what Existential theory is, what the common factor accountability is and how the common factor accountability works within the existential theory to help a client and/or therapist gain a better understanding of the choices, thoughts, or behaviors that helped get a client into the position they are in and how holding themselves accountable to their actions, behaviors or thoughts can help them reach healthy attainable goals in their life. In this paper the reader will gain a better understanding about how existential theory looks at the whole person and how they reached the point where they needed to seek assistance in understanding themselves and how they can hold them self and how others can hold them accountable for their actions, thought, and behaviors. Review of the factor: Accountability Accountability is so important not only within the different theories in psychology but important in the lives of every person. Accountability is defined as an instance when a person is responsible for their actions, thoughts, or behaviors (Merriam-Webster, 2016). Accountability is also described as being willing to stand up and be held responsible for their actions, behaviors or thoughts. Accountability helps show people that there is an expectation or an assumption that they are accountable to their behavior, their

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