
The Factors Influencing The Adoption Of The United States

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In your own words, describe some of the factors that contributed to the adoption of the .05 level of statistical significance (see Kazdin, Chapter 16). One factor was Fisher referring to it in his 1925 book. Cowels and Davis (2016) stated that this may have been the first time the .05 level was referred to as statistical significance. Therefore, this may have been the most important contribution for the universal adoption of the .05 level, specifically. That being said, there were multiple contributions by previous researchers who also deserve credit for the evolution of statistical significance at the .05 level. Therefore, Fisher cannot be credited as the sole inventor of this concept. He can be credited as the first individual who recorded the .05 level and starting a trend that is universally practiced today. Another factor was the development of the law of frequency errors. In the 17th century, Huygens published work about reasoning strategies for dice games and other games of chance. A subsequent publication from De Moivre was published into three editions during the 18th century. De Moivre’s works were said to be highly influential to the scientific field since it generated the bell-shaped curve (Cowels & Davis, 2016). Soon thereafter, Laplace and Gauss applied distribution principles, previously used for gambling, to the scientific field. The development of the law of frequency errors and then the transfer to the scientific field can be credited, then, as a

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