
The Factors That Influence Customers in Their Buying Behavior to Use and Benefit from an Online-Shopping Company Like Amazon.Com

Satisfactory Essays

 Title:
The factors that influence customers in their buying behavior to use and benefit from an online-shopping company like

 Background:
In the Recent years, the trend of E-commerce has grown faster due to the advancement and the easy access of internet. This have conducted customers to shop online from home comfortably and ending up entering worldwide shops with a click of button. People who does live in a small town they do have limited choices of stores so it is a benefit for them to use online shopping for a wider range of stores and/or products and certainly if the shop is not available in their region/and or country. Some consumers like to buy directly from the store instead of online shopping this is something …show more content…

In such a case, some reference must appear at the end of the research report. In addition, I will get cognitive access from Amazon website to know about the feedback of the customers.

 References
• Chandrradevi, n.d., ‘Online shopping vs. Traditional Shopping why customers prefer one click shopping’, viewed 22 December 2012, < Reviews/21/Online_Shopping_vs._Traditional_Shopping_Why_Customers_Prefer_One_Click_Shopping>

• Chenda Ngak, 2011, ‘Amazon’s good customer service gets an up vote on Reddit’, viewed 26 December 2012, <>

• Jon Swartz, 2011, ‘ tops customer-service rankings’, viewed 26 December 2012,

• Melanie Winterwolf,

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